Facts About Me!

                                       Facts About Me!
                          (Thank you Jemima for suggesting the title)

From Lily,
What is your favorite hobby?
Hmm, probably basketball, volleyball, and surfing.

What is your favorite school subject?
My top favorite is history, but math cool too.

From Lily and Sawyer Marie,
What is your favorite book?
Oh my goodness, this is a really hard one😂 I read a lot... I really like historical fiction, books about the world wars, Kirby Larsons books, and books by WNBA players.

What is your favorite outfit?
I don’t know, maybe it’s my floral billabong pants, or my fuzzy sweater, ooh or my romper!
I LOVE clothes. It probably depends on the season. In the summer a swimsuit and shorts, in the early fall shorts and a tee shirt, in the late fall jeans and a sweatshirt, in the winter a sweater and jeans, in the spring leggings or a denim skirt with a tee shirt or sweatshirt 

Songs I like: I don’t listen to that much but when I do I like Alessia Caras music. When I was younger my mom would sing to me while I would fall asleep. I grew to like My God Loves Me, and Amazing Grace. I also learned this song at camp and love it!
   I like bananas, I think that mangos are sweet, I like papayas, papayas! But nothing can beat that sweet love of god. While I was walking round in circles at 5 miles an hour, to trying find my way back to my Heavenly Father, the world tasted sweet (so sweet) but then it turned sour. 

My writing: I am writing a story with one of my closest friends Myla. It is called Lost In The Woods. I think we will post it on our blogs when we finish the story :)

Here’s another random fact. I want to learn to play the ukulele. 

Hope everyone liked this post,
                         Annika Larraine


  1. Fun! You just struck a memory cord! (LOL) With the bananas song =D I learned it at VBS when I was 10.
    I like your outfit choices!

  2. Fun to read, Annika!

  3. Thanks Annika! It was nice getting to know "the girl behind the blog" better! I am a total ukulele fan... we have 4 and I learnt to play just from Youtube. It's super easy! ;D

    1. Yep! I think I might ask for a ukulele for my birthday:)

    2. PS I love you new profile pic Jemima=)

  4. Fun post! I LOVE basketball and would LOVE to learn to surf. I am a ukulele fan and learned just by watching videos online. It's pretty easy to learn. Oooh and writing is also right up my ally. *smiles*

    1. Sounds like we are sorta like each other :D That's cool that you learned online!

  5. Hey Annika! Love your blog!
    If you have any questions about the layout or anything be sure to let me know!

    1. Thank you so much!!<3 I will be sure to ask if I have any question!

    2. I want to follow your blog, but I can't because the button won't show. Can I help you figure it out so people can follow you easily?

    3. Yes, I'm not sure why it's doing that to you. Does it show how many followers I have and their pictures?


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