When My Mom Says "Have A Seat"

  When my mom says have a seat it is almost never good. Last time it was that my great grandma passed away and now this. You’re probably wondering what "this" is, well here I go,

 Yesterday my mom sat me and my sister down and said she had to talk to us. Our puppy sitter for Lily (our Australian Labradoodle) has to move. Lily isn't really a dog, she is more like a child stuck in a dogs body so she can't be left alone or she barks the whole time. She does a lot of things most dogs don't do. For instance she nurses on blankets, has two families, and protects her human mamas. When my parents go to work, and we go to school she goes to their house. When ever we say the puppy sitters name Lily jumps up and runs to the door. We can't take care of Lily by ourselves, if we did I wouldn't be able to play sports, one of my parents would have to stay home from work, and we couldn't go on trips. I bet some of you are thinking "Just bring her to a different puppy sitter" we've tried that, but it ended pretty bad. Lily was so mad that she pooped on the other puppy sitters rug and climbed on top of our kitchen table.
  My mom told us we might have to sell her to the puppy sitter.  We are all really sad, but we are going to visit her a lot.

I am going to miss her so much☹️
Just a reminder everyone, you have 6 more days to turn in your story. Tap here for the rules.



  1. Aww, I feel so sorry for you :( And I'm trying to get my story done *SIGH*

    1. Thanks :\ We are pretty sad. I am so excited to read your story!

  2. That's sad. :-(

  3. Loosing a pet is always hard... I'm sorry. We just had our sweet 15 year old Mama cat pass away...never easy, either through death or departure. ♡♡♡

    1. Hello Ryana! Welcome to my blog. It really is hard loosing a pet. I'm so sorry :(

    2. I just looked at your profile, you like a lot of historical fiction too! Thats so cool! Do you have a blog? Also how did you find out about my blog?

    3. I just added your book to my want to read list!

    4. Yes, I do! Www.lifeofheritage.com!
      I saw your comment on Faith Potts' blog and thought I'd pop over and check it out! Looks lovely btw! And I'm so glad you added my books! ♡

    5. I am going over to your blog right now! Thnaks!<3 I can't wait to read your books!

    6. Your blog is so cool! I just wish I could comment.

    7. Just saw that you subscribed! Thank you! And since you did, when the emails are sent after each post, you can hit reply to let me know what you think! Someday I may open comments, but for now, my parents requested I keep it closed ;)

  4. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that Annika; it must be really hard! I hope Lily finds a good home. I wanted to also let you know that I have thought of a plot for a story and today started writing it down. I'm really happy with it, and God willing I will be finished either tomorrow or Monday. :D I hope you don't mind if it is on Monday. I know that is a day past your deadline; I do have a habit of unwittingly procrastinating and then kicking into action at the last minute! XD
    Plus, only two days ago I thought the date was the 21st, not the 29th... so that made me a bit behind! *facepalms* | am pretty bad with dates... Oh, and my 11 year old sister Abi is joining too! She should have a story ready soon too. I got your comment, and I'll send our entries by email ASAP, just as long as your parents are ok with us exchanging email addresses! (mine are) :D

    ~ Jemima

    1. Thank you Jemima. Yes her new home is a good one. Yay! I am so excited to read it! MOnday works just fine! I have a hard time with dates too XD I am so excited to read Abi's story too! (She should start a blog!) Yes you can send your stories to me!

  5. Aw! I am so sorry! The loss of a pet is a real struggle! I'm glad she'll be going to a good home though!

    1. Welcome Leah! Yes it is hard : ( I think my dog is the only one in the world who has ever moved away from their owner. Yes i'm glad its a good home too!

  6. Hi Annika, *waves* I am Jemima's younger sister, and am also writing in your story competition! It's sooo cool! we are kinda late....... so sorry about that.
    I am really enjoying writing my story! (though I'm a bit nervous about everyone seeing it up here) *smiles* hope you are going well. : )
    ~ Abigail

    1. Hi Abigail! Welcome to my blog! I am so glad you entering! Your not late at all! Just on time! I am so glad you are enjoying! I don't have to put your story up there if you don't want : ) I am so excited for the day when you start a blog!!!


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